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SAHAJ BOOKS offers latest collection of more than 1000 titles in e-Books dealing in the field of Science & Technology. We are providing the options for single title as well as subject collections of e-books. To search and browse e-Books, please e-mail us.

SAHAJ BOOKS is an e-book platform for hosting and providing access to e-books of Science & Technology subjects. It is aggregation of secured and searchable database. We offer flexible packages for university libraries and institutions as well as individual e-book purchase option available through our third party partners: Google Play

Subscription offer will be provided to the clients after receiving the requirements as per the selection and recommendation. For an institutional demo, please e-mail us.

Book Publishing

SAHAJ BOOKS publish high quality Text Books, Reference Books and Competitive Examination Preparation Books in scientific, technical, and medical books, journals, and electronic products for academic and professional sectors. Our specific fields of interest are Agriculture, Ayurveda, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Desert and Arid Ecology, Earth Science,Economics, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Food Sciences, Forestry, General and Reference, Library Sciences, Management, Mathematics and Statistics, Medical Sciences and Nursing, Pharmacy, Plant Physiology, Taxonomy and Medicinal Plants. If you are interested in publishing a work in these disciplines then please click Publish with us.

Authors/Editor can expect a quick response from us to discuss submitted book proposal. If we accept your book proposal, you can expect an agreement with competitive royalty rates, advice on how to proceed and other relevant feedback accordingly.

SAHAJ BOOKS would start publicity and an effective marketing through various channels in the early development stage of your work. Our marketing team actively works in promotional plans such as distribution of our catalogues, newsletter(s), free distribution of desk copies to academicians, arrange of book(s) display, participate in book fairs and conferences. Authors/Editors will receive as much support as possible throughout the entire publishing process. Product quality is our first criteria therefore a high-quality production effort, and publication schedule will be maintained.

Author/Editor Discount

Authors/Editors who publish their books with SAHAJ BOOKS are entitled to a 30% discount off list price on all SAHAJ BOOKS books in order to value their contribution to our business. This offer is exclusive to SAHAJ BOOKS Authors/Editors and book must be for their personal use only.

Understandably, this exclusive offer is subject to books available in stock and may not be of use retrospectively. By all means, SAHAJ BOOKS reserves the right to change the terms of this offer at any time as appropriate.

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