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We ventured into supply of books to the nationalised libraries and publishing in 1976. Presently, we are associated with bookstores, and authors all over India and abroad. We have published more than 1000 books which includes 100 title per year and journal published articles since inception.We are headquartered in Jodhpur, India and determined to contribute high quality Text Books, Reference Books and Competitive Exam Books at all levels forever.

SAHAJ BOOKS is an independent Indian publisher of books, journals and electronic media. Known for commitment to quality and services, we are leading in our chosen scholarly, educational, and research,publishing. Our highest priority is to make any contact you have with us as a book author, a journal editor, a contributor to one of our journals, a customer, or a reader a pleasant and rewarding experience.

We are serving large number of students and academia of Research Institutions, Universities and Colleges. We promote the latest advancements in the field of science Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Forestry, Environmental Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Medical Science and Engineering.

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